
Thanksgiving travel starts out slow in Hampton Roads

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — It was the calm before the storm at Norfolk International Airport on Sunday afternoon.

Four days until Thanksgiving, and the airport was relatively calm with minimal foot traffic.

It’s exactly what traveler Stafford Lang expected.

“I expect that,” Lang said. “I don’t think I’ve ever been through this airport when it’s so crowded like the big airports. I kind of like this place. It’s been really smooth today driving here, and I’m sure the flight will be just the same.”

However, according the TSA, the calm atmosphere will be short lived. They said they’ve screened a record number of passengers this year, and expect security checkpoints to be busier than ever this holiday season.

The busy travel is anticipated to extend to our roads. AAA said that more than 1.4 million Virginians are expected to travel for Thanksgiving.

While leaving Norfolk hasn’t experience a ton of delays yet, travel coming into the city has already begun to be impacted.

“Right now they’re still delayed,” said Newport News resident Pamela Prime.

Prime was waiting for her husband to arrive at Norfolk International for over an hour after his plane was supposed to arrive from Charlotte. She told 10 On Your Side that she actually expected a lot more foot traffic there.

“I came to the airport this morning actually at 8:30 [a.m.] to make sure I was on time to get here because I thought it would be a little busier, but it really hasn’t been too busy here,” Prime said.

She just hoped other people’s holiday plans won’t be impacted by the predicted travel frenzy.

According to the TSA, busy holiday travel will start on Wednesday.

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