
VB property owner denies support of proposed Atlantic Avenue cul-de-sac

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — In order for developer Bruce Thompson to get a cul-de-sac to close off Atlantic in front of his property, Christopher Glover, who owns Pacifica Restaurant, has to give up about 14 on-street public parking spots in front of his restaurant. 

That is a big deal to Glover, and for that reason and others he’s opposed to the cul-de-sac. 

So you can imagine how surprised he was when he saw a letter from Virginia Beach City Manager David Hansen to Virginia Beach City Council.

In the letter, Hansen wrote, “The property owner is supportive of this project and is a willing seller and verbally agreed to sell.”  

“That is all untrue,” Glover said adamantly. “I am not supportive of this. No. I have not agreed to anything.” 

Developer Bruce Thompson has agreed to pay for the road project.

RELATED: City manager says he “will do all that I can” to realign Atlantic Ave

10 On Your Side called Hansen, who seemed surprised by Glover’s push back on what Hansen wrote council. “I guess our real estate office needs to get back out there and have another conversation with them, and we are going to have to reach a fair compromise on the cost of the small amount of right of way I referenced in that memo.” 

10 On Your Side asked Glover if he’s agreed to sell the needed right of way and easement for the appraised market value. “No not at all,” he said. “He’s trying to get things done that haven’t been approved yet.” 

10 On Your Side then asked Hansen whether he agrees with that. “Well apparently that would be correct, and we have some more negotiation to do, and we will be diligent and forthright and fair,” Hansen said. 

And the City real estate folks apparently are applying pressure, “I do think that. They are saying if I don’t do it now and make a little money, then if I were to wait I won’t make any money,” Glover said. 

In the end Hansen regrets not being better informed by his staffers.

“I am somewhat disappointed that the information I was provided is not as accurate as the information you now have, Andy,” Hansen said.