RICHMOND, Va. (WFXR) – With the month of October being labeled pedestrian safety month, the Virginia DMV is reporting a rise in younger pedestrian fatalities in the state.

This rise is being seen in pedestrians in their 30s. According to the DMV, one quarter of Virginia pedestrians killed in traffic crashes this year were in this age range. Of those crashes, nearly half involved a pedestrian who had been drinking alcohol. Crash fatalities involving a pedestrian who had been drinking alcohol are up 52% from last year.

Over the past four years, most fatal pedestrian crashes occurred in urban areas after dark with the pedestrian crossing improperly or walking in the middle of the road. With alcohol being linked in these situations, the DMV is asking pedestrians to be extra careful while walking at night and to plan a ride home if drinking.

“If you go for a night out on the town, always plan a safe way home,” said DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey, the Governor’s Highway Safety Representative. “Call a licensed transportation service or designate a sober driver. Or, if you choose to walk, take the time to cross at an intersection, wait for the signal and make eye contact with the driver to make sure they plan to stop. Please walk safely and walk sober so you can arrive alive.”

To find more information, visit the DMV’s website