(WFXR) — Virginia’s annual Statewide Tornado Drill will occur on Tuesday, March 7, at 9:45 a.m.

The Statewide Tornado Drill is an opportunity to prepare Virginian residents for threats of tornados, and to ensure public warning systems are operating efficiently.

Local radio stations, TV stations, and cable outlets will broadcast the test message via the Emergency Alert System. For those participating in the drill, including schools and businesses, it is suggested to tune in around 9:40 a.m. to prepare for the message.

If widespread severe weather threatens the Commonwealth on March 7th, the drill will be rescheduled for Thursday, March 9, at 9:45 a.m. 

Winds in a tornado can range from 65 mph (EF-0) up to over 200mph (EF-5). These powerful winds can do damage to trees, homes, and other structures. Wind speeds are determined by the National Weather Service. They will do a survey (if needed) over a damaged area.

If you are home and there is a tornado warning, then get to the lowest floor of your home. Go to a room that is away from the outer walls. A bathroom is best. Especially if you have a sturdy bathtub. However, a closet or utility room is also a good place.