RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — A bill being considered by state lawmakers could introduce bathroom checks to schools across Virginia.

The supporters of House Bill 1528, also known as “Celeste’s Law,” claim the bill would ensure that each student is protected when they go to the bathroom by enforcing bathroom checks throughout the school day.

It was introduced last week by republican Del. A.C. Cordoza (R-86).

If passed into law, the bill would require each school board in the state to create and follow a policy that would call on employees at public elementary and secondary schools to check the bathrooms every 30 minutes during normal school hours.

The language used in the proposed bill indicates those employees wouldn’t have to be teachers, instead including “any school resource officer or any school security officer employed in such school.”

If the bill is passed, it would be the latest security measure added to certain schools throughout that are already following new safety improvement guidelines.

Last month, Richmond City Public Schools joined several other local districts by beginning the process of installing metal detectors at some school entrances. Earlier in 2023, Petersburg introduced a policy requiring students to carry clear backpacks to school.

The bill was recently referred to the House Committee of Education on Friday, Jan. 19, 2024.