ROANOKE, Va. (WFXR) – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to talk about the disease, the importance of screening, and fundraising to find a cure.

Virginia native, Taylor Tashjian is focusing on fundraising, benefiting an organization she knows firsthand makes a difference for patients.

That’s because Tashjian has battled and continues to battle breast cancer.

She was first diagnosed with breast cancer at just 25 years old back in 2022 and was recently diagnosed again after finding another lump this spring.

“It ended up coming back positive with the same tumor markers as my first tumor kind of along my scar line. I had surgery in August again and I will start radiation in a week or so, said Tashjian.

Tashjian decided to team up with her friend, Michelle LaRoi, the owner of Happy Fits, a clothing brand typically dedicated to mental health, but this month, the apparel is all about women.

“[We wanted to] create pieces that start conversations. And Taylor she was kind of the mastermind behind it all,” said LaRoi.

“Let’s send a message and let’s send the money where it’s going to make a difference,” said Tashjian.

When thinking about where to donate the money, The IIIB Foundation was at the top of Tashjian’s mind. The non-profit was created by Virginia native and breast cancer survivor herself, Carolyn Rodenburg.

“When I went through it, there were so many things I needed, that I didn’t know I needed until I needed them,” said Rodenburg.

The three b’s stand for “Bosum Buddy Basket,” a basket filled with supplies to help patients after a mastectomy. A basket Tashjian received after her mastectomy.

“We give them to women who are going through breast cancer mastectomy surgeries. The bosom buddy baskets contain 25-30 items that are specific for the breast cancer recovery process,” said Rodenburg.

Each basket costs around $150 to make and is gifted to patients solely through donations.

So this October, make sure to listen to the message- and save not just the tatas but the women behind them.

“Donate your money to research, to women, and not to a slogan that just makes people laugh and then goes away in 31 days,” said Tashjian.

The Save the Women merch will be available through the end of the month, and 100% of the proceeds will go to The IIIB’s Foundation.

Find the merchandise, here.