SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Suffolk has detected West Nile Virus, or WNV, in mosquitoes collected from several areas. Eastern Equine Encephalitis, or EEE, was also detected in a horse in southern Suffolk.

The following areas and neighborhoods had mosquitoes with the virus:

  • Lake Kennedy Estates
  • Williamstown
  • Kingsboro Heights
  • Beamon’s Mill
  • Hobson Area
  • Nansemond Shores

As a result, the city increased mosquito control efforts, treatment of standing water and truck-mounted sprays.

WNV-infected individuals can show no symptoms, mild symptoms or severe symptoms.

In severe cases, individuals can develop severe illness including: high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis.

Horses are commonly found with EEE in Suffolk. Mosquito Control urged horse owners to vaccinate their horses for EEE and any other insect-transmitted diseases that could affect their animals.

Here’s how to minimize mosquito population:

  • Empty containers holding water: buckets, drums, bottles, cans, wheelbarrows, potted plant saucers, etc.
  • Properly dispose of used tires.
  • Clear roof gutters, downspouts, and corrugated black drainpipes for any water collection.
  • Clean wading and swimming pools
  • Drain water from tarps
  • Place Mosquito Dunks in stagnant water areas around your home which include ditches and low-lying areas

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