Weekdays at 10:30 a.m. CST/11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the top stories in the U.S. utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.

(NEXSTAR) — For much of the last year, Congress has debated the size of stimulus payment checks meant to boost the economy and help the hardest-hit Americans pay down their bills. Now, a provision in the stimulus package being hammered out on Capitol Hill could result in regular checks for parents starting later this year.

Details on exactly how frequently the checks would be distributed are not yet finalized, but here’s what we do know.

For more information go to WGN.

Other stories in today’s show:

Cities brace for spring break crowds as health officials urge caution: As more states and cities begin to loosen restrictions there are concerns about doing too much, too soon. That begins with spring break and vacationers heading to warmer weather.

The CDC released a new set of guidelines Monday outlining the things fully-vaccinated Americans can do safely and traveling is not one of them. 

See the full story on News Nation.

North Carolina woman describes possible attack by coyote: Police and wildlife officials are working to capture an animal after a woman was attacked by what she believes was a coyote on Saturday afternoon.

The victim of the attack says she went with friends to Lake Brandt to have a picnic. She was putting food away when an animal came up behind her.

See the full story on FOX 8.

Driver crashes into North Carolina martial arts school while class was in session: Students and employees at a Charlotte martial arts studio watched in disbelief on Saturday as a car flew and crashed into the studio’s building.

The incident happened around 1 p.m. at Leadership Martial Arts on South Tryon Street in Steele Creek while approximately eight people were training on the mat.

See the full story on FOX 46.

Kansas City thieves brazenly swipe a woman’s 500-pound safe filled with antique treasures: Amanda Bushong realizes it’s a longshot, but she’s offering a $5,000 reward for the return of her stolen safe. It’s packed with highly valuable trinkets ranging from rare coins and stamps to a lock of hair from Alexander Hamilton.

“That was the furthest thing from my mind, that somebody would come in and steal a 500-pound safe that’s in your garage. It was hidden in the garage,” Bushong said.

See the full story on FOX 4.

8 expecting mothers take over Kansas elementary school: Washington Elementary School’s hallways do not have the usual flow of kids, but they are seeing a boom in baby bumps.

Their staff has more than just a couple expecting mothers, they have eight staff members currently pregnant.

See the full story on KSN.

9-year-old Texas boy being hailed as a hero after saving family home from fire: A 9-year-old Breckenridge boy is being hailed as a hero after saving his family and their home from a fire early Thursday morning.

Rhyder Patterson was in his room around 1:30 a.m. when he looked out his window and saw smoke.

See the full story on KTAB.

6-year-old battling cancer surprised with a birthday parade from first responders: Police and firefighters came together to throw a birthday parade for a 6-year-old girl who has been isolated from her friends because of a severe medical condition.

Police Chief Jason Armstrong from the City of Ferguson Police Department met the Mason family just a few days ago but organized a huge parade with police cars, fire trucks, and others in the community to celebrate Paydenn Mason’s 6th birthday.

See the full story aon FOX 2.