NORFOLK, VA (WAVY) – Who doesn’t love a home run in baseball? ODU Is having one of its best seasons in recent memory under 10th year head coach Chris Finwood, and the Monarchs are scoring more than eight runs per game thanks to lots of home runs. Matter of fact, the team is ranked second in the country this season with 54 home runs. Arkansas recently took the lead in the last two days with 63.

“I just think we’re playing with more confidence. We’re playing looser. No one is up at the plate worried about getting out,” said senior outfielder Kyle Battle. “It’s awesome we’re at the top of the country with home runs, it’s given us something to work for. We want to be at the top in nearly everything so if we cant take first in home runs we would love that.”

*Editor’s note: On Tuesday, April 13th when interviews were conducted, ODU was tied for 1st in the country with 54 homeruns. As of date of publishing, the Monarchs are second behind Arkansas (63).