WASHINGTON (Nexstar) – Democrats took the first step to try to expel embattled New York Representative George Santos from Congress following allegations that Santos lied about his education, career, campaign funds and much more.

“George Santos is a fraud, a liar,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) said. “He lied about the most horrific shooting in the LGBTQ+ community, the Pulse nightclub shooting. He’s lied about 9/11, he’s lied about the Holocaust, he’s lied about his education, he’s lied about his career.”

California Congressman Robert Garcia introduced a resolution to kick Santos out. The resolution is co-sponsored by New York Democratic Congressmen Dan Goldman and Richie Torres.

“There’s something sick about a man who not only lies pathologically, but who violates every law imaginable – House Ethics, campaign finance, securities law,” Rep. Torres said.

Even prominent Republicans like Senator Mitt Romney say Santos doesn’t belong in Congress, but Speaker Kevin McCarthy is not calling for a resignation or to expel Santos from office yet.

“The people of his district have voted for him in a process, Ethics is moving through and if Ethics finds something we’ll take action,” Speaker McCarthy said.

Democrats say if McCarthy doesn’t call for one on his own, they will find a way to force a vote.

“We are going to expel George Santos because he is a deep rot at the very core of the United States Congress,” Torres said.

Reacting to Garcia’s effort to expel him, Santos said “that’s his prerogative.”

To expel Santos from office, two-thirds of House members would need to vote in favor of it.