WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – With lawmakers home for the holidays, there’s a lingering sense of frustration in Washington. Many say Congress was chaotic and unproductive in 2023. 

“We saw a year marked by chaos, extremism and paralysis,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (R-N.Y.). 

“I’m not very happy with how productive the Senate has been this year,” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said.

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries says Republicans are to blame. He accuses them of wasting time with contentious battles over selecting a speaker, censures of fellow lawmakers, and an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. 

“We’ve seen repeated efforts by MAGA extremists to jam their right-wing ideology down the throats of the American people,” Jeffries said. 

Congress failed to reach deals on several big priorities, leaving them with an agenda packed full of tough issues to tackle in 2024. 

“We go into next year with not only the challenges around the Ukraine, and border, and Israel, and humanitarian aid funding, but also not one but two potential budget disasters,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said. 

Lawmakers are scheduled to be back in the capitol the second week in January. That will give them just days before the first of two government funding deadlines. 

Senate Leader Chuck Schumer says in order to pass something to avoid a shutdown, Republicans and Democrats will have to work together. 

“Without bipartisanship, we will not get anything done,” Schumer said. “Embracing the hard right philosophy is a path to nowhere.”

Senator McConnell says the sooner the parties can reach a budget compromise the better. 

“We need to reach an agreement on the top line and get about getting an outcome as soon as possible,” McConnell said.