WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — As all eyes are on the few remaining states that are too close to call in the presidential election, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is urging patience and Republican President Donald Trump is filing lawsuits.

With razor-thin margins, the race is a nail-biter for the entire nation.

Biden believes the numbers are in his favor and said Thursday he has “no doubt” he will be declared the winner, but he has stopped short of claiming victory.

Trump said he won early Wednesday — even though it was too early to make such a statement — but has since shifted tone, railing on Twitter against what he calls fraud.

His campaign has launched a legal crusade to stop counting in battlegrounds Michigan (already widely called for Biden), Georgia and Pennsylvania (still in play). The campaign claims state election officials have not been transparent about the counts and are counting ballots should be disqualified.

“There’s really not much merit to those cases,” Paul Schiff Berman, a law professor at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., said. “There is nothing nefarious going on. All that states are doing is counting legally cast votes.”

Already, judges in Georgia and Michigan have dismissed the challenges, but the broad legal battle is sure to continue.