WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — Countries like the U.K., New Zealand, Norway and Australia quickly passed new gun laws after mass shootings.

At an event this week, Vice President Kamala Harris pointed out those laws nearly eliminated mass shootings in those countries.

“Once again, routine gatherings have been turned into scenes of horrific carnage,” noted Harris, who added that there is a solution to the gun violence problem in the U.S.

In 1996, a mass shooting in Port Arthur, Australia claimed the lives of 35 people. In response, Australia severely restricted semi-automatic firearm and pump-action shotgun ownership and bought back nearly 700,000 guns.

In the more than 25 years since, Australia has only had one other mass shooting.

“We look every time there is one of these events and are grateful that Australia did act in a bipartisan way,” stated Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

After the deadly mass shooting in Maine this week, the White House wants to renew the federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

But hours before the shootings in Maine, which may have involved an army reservist, the Senate voted to loosen gun restrictions for some veterans with mental health issues. They argue the resrictions violated the second amendment.

“It is not right that a DC bureaucrat at the VA can take away their veterans’ legal right to their firearms,” remarked Sen. John Tester (D-Mont.)

“He loses his firearm automatically, no due process,” added Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.)

Republicans say the second amendment is why the U.S. can’t pass stricter gun laws and why they oppose renewing the federal assault weapon ban.