RICHMOND, Va. (WAVY) — About 1,000 Virginia National Guard personnel will be staying in Washington, D.C. to provide continued support to local and federal law enforcement.

The airmen and soldiers are among more than 7,000 National Guard personnel from dozens of states that will stay, according to an announcement made Saturday by Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia.

“Virginia National Guard personnel are remaining on duty following the Presidential Inauguration at the request of local and federal authorities, and they will remain on duty until those agencies no longer require our direct support,” Williams said.

“We expect our troops to conduct security-related missions to include crowd control, traffic control and assisting with entry and exit points. We are incredibly proud of the professionalism and dedicated service they have demonstrated throughout this mission, and they will continue to play an important role in helping keep their fellow citizens safe.”

The VNG had about 2,400 personnel on the ground helping civilian law enforcement with safety and protecting property during the inauguration.

Personnel who are not remaining on duty have begun the process to return home. There is no exact return date set as of yet.

Governor Ralph Northam authorized the initial VNG support after a request from Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser following the attack on the Capitol.

The majority of VNG personnel provided security assistance, but additional personnel provided communications, medical, chaplain, logistics, and public information support.

The VNG also had additional personnel from the Virginia Defense Force on duty providing support in Virginia.