WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — The national average for a gallon of gas nationwide reached $3.39 on Wednesday — more than $1.24 more than this time last year.

Republicans are blaming the Biden administration, labeling it “Biden’s Energy Crisis,” but the administration says the pump is a result of a global fuel shortage.

Wyoming Republican Sen. John Barrasso says consumers are currently spending about $25 more every time they fill up their tanks. He and other Senate Republicans say Pres. Biden needs to focus on producing more affordable energy here at home.

“It will produce more jobs that will help bring down the prices, and I think make the world less dependent on countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia for our most basic energy needs,” said Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn.

On Wednesday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott introduced the Gas Prices Act, which would require the Energy Information Administration to track how federal regulations and policies impact the price of oil and gas.

White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki says the president plans to address his concerns when he travels overseas this weekend.