
Senators push for 4-day work week

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) -Senators on Thursday held a hearing on a bill that would shorten the standard work week to just four days.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders says he wants to shorten the standard work week to just four days.

 “The sad reality is Americans now work more than the people of any other wealthy nation.” Sanders said.

His bill would reduce the standard workweek from 40 hours to 32 and those who work more than 8 hours in a day would get paid overtime pay at time and a half and those who work more than 12 hours in a day would get double their regular pay.

“The last time, as we understand it, the Senate held a hearing on the subject was in the year 1955,” said Sanders.

Republicans, including Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy, weren’t buying it.

“I mean like who wouldn’t want it? It’s free money if you will. No loss in pay and you work a lot less. But the reality is there is no free lunch,” Cassidy said.

Cassidy says it’s the workers who would suffer.

“If you just cut them down to 32 hours a week, they’re still making the same money. So for them to grow their income, they would have to either work overtime and or take a second job,” he said.

Indiana Senator Mike Braun says the bill would crush small businesses.

“I’m not worried about big corporations. They’re generally going to land on their feet anyway. But what about Main Street and small businesses?” he asked.

Sanders says it’s worth exploring as technology keeps advancing, he says work schedules should keep up.

“Think of the huge transitions we have seen in the economy, but in terms of the work week nothing has changed,” he added.

Republicans also say they are concerned companies will look to hire elsewhere in countries where there are no restrictions on labor hours.