PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — According to family, Yolanda Jackson loved to take care of the children in the neighborhood. Tuesday night around 6:43 p.m., someone shot and killed her as she left her mother’s home. 

10 On Your Side found a neighbor who was first on the scene and rendered aid.  

The woman, who heard the shots right after her son walked in the door, does not want to be identified.

“About 30 gunshots coming from every direction,” she said. “I tell my kids upstairs to get down, and I’m yelling, ‘Are you OK?’ And they say they’re OK.” 

The neighbor knows by the sounds there were at least two guns. 

“I look out my door and I run over there,” she said. I [spoke] with the lady across the street, and she ask[ed] me, ‘are you calling 911?’ I say ‘no, you call 911. I’m going over there to see if these people need CPR.” 

The scanner screeches:

“Gun shot wound, Portsmouth Blvd. Wall Street.” 

The police show up.

“The police asked if that person was still alive,” she said. “I looked in to the passenger side. I didn’t see any breathing.” 

The neighbor said Jackson was gone, but the final determination was made at the hospital.

“I found out her family came up,” she said, “and they opened the car, and they knew who it was. They assessed the situation.” 

Then there was Jackson’s mother.

“I saw the mom, and all I could do was pray,” the woman said. “She was yelling, screaming. It was a yell. I had never heard it before. I will never forget it.” 

After what she saw Tuesday night, and some other nights too, the good Samaritan neighbor wants to move.

“I’ve had it,” she said. “I called my realtor last night, and I talked to her today. I am out of here. They can have this house. This is the worst first house ever.” 

And Jackson’s cousins are left to remember her kindness, her love for children, and with no children of her own, taking in everyone else’s. 

Cousin Antonette said with tears streaming down her face,  

“She would babysit for us, so we could go out, and she would say ‘go ahead. Bring over all the kids,'” Antonette said with tears streaming down her face.

Said Charmaine: “Everybody would go to her house. Damn. They are in there having fun, listening to music playing games everything.” 

Portsmouth Police continue investigating this case. If you know anything, you can leave anonymous tips on the Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.